Wednesday 13 April 2016

Comic of the Day 9/4: "Star Wars: Darth Vader" #18

Darth Vader #18 is a huge disappointment, adding more misery to a series that is dwindling down fast. The story is thin and confusing and Kieron Gillen does nothing whatsoever with Vader's character. Instead, the Sith Lord continues to be simply a collection of grim and "menacing" remarks, while none of the potential in his conflicting character is explored.

The overall impression is that Darth Vader has become indifferent to what it has to offer. Stories hardly progress, the art is mere routine and Darth Vader only a caricature of himself. 

And then there's Beetee and Triple-Zero. Being a fun addition in the beginning, they now seem to repeat the same old joke over and over again ("You know what, I love humans...when they are dead, blah blah blah"). 

Darth Vader is in serious need of a revamp, with a team that actually cares about the characters and the story it wants to tell. At least, it can hardly be any worse than this...

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