Saturday 16 April 2016

Comic of the Day 12/4: Detective Comics #29

I really hate it when I'm right about something. And oh, how right I was about "Gothtopia" when reviewing Detective Comics #27 (what, you haven't read it!? Stand in a corner for 5 minutes and then click here

What started as a clever story about an alternate Gotham where happiness and harmony rule, too soon became a simple succession of old Batman cliches. Batman has a plan...because he just always has. He's one step ahead of the villain...because that's what he does. And you can bet he has an antidote ready for when Scarecrow strikes. Admittedly, all these have been defining characteristics of Batman all along, but the lack of creativity and effort with which they are executed proves to be a crucial weakness.

However, it' not just John Layman's writing that fails to convince. Aaron Lopresti's art never manages to capture the terror of Scarecrow (who is no scarier than this. Cute!) and the dark vision he has for Gotham.

Kudos though for Batman's monologue about exactly how Scarecrow's fear toxin works. Layman does an excellent job of explaining how it affects the mind and body, providing some really interesting facts even for the seasoned Batman reader.

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