Tuesday 19 April 2016

Comic of the Day 15/4: "The Flash" #48

The Flash #48 is a good and pleasant read, but offers little to elevate itself into being more than that. 

Barry Allen is hired by the CCPD to assist "The Rogues" in hunting down...yes, you guessed it, The Flash. The most baffling thing here is the perplexity with which writers Robert Venditti and Van Jensen let Barry handle the situation. Aimlessly, he seems to run headlong into chaos and only gains confidence after his father delivers one of the most clichéd "I believe in you. The city needs you" speeches. 

A huge positive, though, is how the writers handle The Rogues. As sceptical as I am about second rate super-hero or villain team-ups, Weather Wizard, Trickster, Mirror Master, Golden Glider and Captain Cold are approached with exactly the right attitude: irony. Knowing they have little to offer individually (Captain Frye's altercation with Captain Cool is simply hilarious) and one alone never could stand a chance against The Flash, their strength comes in numbers as they battle.

Jesus Merino's art is solid, delivers some dynamic action sequences, but never really dares to leave its own comfort zone. However, none of these issues are significant enough to spoil the fact that The Flash #48 is still a fun read that just needs some minor adjustments to really stand out.

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