Thursday 7 April 2016

Comic of the Day 5/4: "Thunderbolts" #101

This one is the first Thunderbolts comic I've ever read, without knowing much about the series in general, and having close to no clue what anyone of them is talking about in any given scene. Hence, I have to admit I don't feel in the most comfortable position to review this properly. 

But then, don't they say that every comic you pick could potentially be your first one, offering enough insight and background to make it an enjoyable read? So then, does that hold true for Thunderbolts #101, letting me jump right into the action?

The answer is simple: no. Although the comic offers sufficient exposition at the beginning, I hardly ever had the feeling to know what's going. Too much seems to depend on whether you've read earlier issues and are familiar with the characters. I do not say this is a bad thing in general, as I can see seasoned Thunderbolts readers enjoying this issue.

And, consequently, this also makes it rather difficult to answer another important question positively. Is the comic fun? The Thunderbolts seem oddly dated in 2016, with group dynamics and an art style that simply don't hold up with today's comic standards. 

So, will I read another issue. Strangely, yes. I have four more comics in the Civil War volume, so eventually I'll see if things get more coherent over time, letting me enjoy the comic at least a bit.

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