Thursday 14 April 2016

Comic of the Day 10/4: "Detective Comics" #28

There's nothing fundamentally wrong with the "Gothtopia" storyline, that is continued in this issue. But there's also not a lot really right about it either. Fairly light in tone and art, it mostly stays on the surface of its narration and characters, not digging deeper into the many compelling opportunities and ideas "Gothtopia" has to offer.

Its biggest issue is probably just scope. Being a 3-part series, "Gothtopia" feels too limited in what it is able to tell. I would have, for example, loved to see more of the delusional dream world Gotham has become, and the role Batman plays in this new society. Although the story is perfectly coherent within the context of Batman's world (even though the "why" of Scarecrow's terror can hardly convince), there is a feeling that things just move too fast and effortlessly for the comic to be something special. 

Detective Comics #28 is by no means a bad comic, but would have greatly benefited from being stretched into a 5 or 6-part series, thus giving the comic and its promising ideas more room to grow.

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