Friday 29 April 2016

Comic of the Day 28/4: "Deadpool & The Mercs For Money" #3

Frankly, there is not much to say about Deadpool & The Mercs For Money #3, except that it's just a piece of hyped-up, over-the-top, colorful fun. From the hilarious back and forth of Evil Deadpool's and Taskmaster's skirmish to the auction of the Fortune-Telling Future-Bot, the comic is never too clever or enthralling and, in all honesty, does not even try to be.

Cullen Bunn and Salva Espin are merely running riot with the possibilities they are given here, offering an excessive cast of hilarious villains (Deathstrike!!!), gory violence, and a Deadpool in top form. What more can you ask for!?

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