Friday 8 April 2016

Comic of the Day 6/4: "Star Wars: Kanan" #2

Always regarded as the black swan among Marvel's Star Wars comics, and now coming to a close, Kanan #1 was a welcome surprise. It offered a well-balanced and intelligent angle on the Jedi Order and the relationship between Master and Padawan, trumping even Marvel's more recent Obi-Wan and Anakin series in this regard. 

Kanan #2, however, seems to have lost almost all of its edge already, feeling lazy and unimaginative throughout. Caleb's inner monologue, even more untypical for a child, retreats too much into worn-out phrases, while never fully exploring the intriguing transformation from friend to foe so central to this storyline. Pepe Larraz' art only adds to this overall impression. Apart from the chase scenes, it is never able to create the grit the comic misses so dearly.

Kanan #2 trades in the maturity of its initial issue for a tone and simplicity that far more match the aesthetics of the younger-audience targeted TV show.   

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