Wednesday, 20 April 2016

Comic of the Day 17/4: "Star Wars: Darth Vader" #19

When reviewing Darth Vader #18, I said things couldn't get any worse from here on out. And even though the series' latest issue does indeed show small signs of improvement, it's still far away from being a good comic, though. 

While Vader was as flat a comic protagonist as there can be, more consideration has gone into him now, at least showing some signs of reflection and awareness of his own past and situation. That's not a lot to ask, surely, but that is how badly Darth Vader was written in the last couple of issues. Kieron Gillen has not managed at all to capture Vader's aura, and I am worried to see him and Salvador Larroca continue their run in the near future.

However, while some lingering issues with the series are ironed out, a couple of new ones creep up. While action sequences have at least been solid before, Gillen and Larroca completely lose their grip on them here. It's never clear what exactly is happening, where it is happening or who is talking. Half of the time reading the comic was spent just flicking back and forth to at least get some kind of sense of what's going on. 
An honourable mention should go Triple-Zero, who has reached the Jar Jar Binks sphere of annoyance. Can anyone please kill off that poor droid!? It's fine trying to add some fun elements, but the Triple-Zero/Beetee dynamic proves to be a colossal failure issue after issue.

The "Shu-Torun War" is over now, and I can only hope that a new start into a new storyline can invigorate Darth Vader again.

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