Friday 28 October 2016

Review: "Superman" #9

The "Escape from Dinosaur Island" story line began with a quite charming, albeit not flawless first chapter. The more surprising (or call it confusing) it is that Tomasi and Gleason have already concluded this story arc for now. 

Consequently, character developments and story elements feel overly rushed here, as Superman #9 tries to do too many things at once. It wants to be a Halloween-inspired Dinosaur/Monster rampage with detective story elements and a WWII aesthetic that also treats Clark's and Jon's father son relationship. Nothing here is a real failure, and Mahnke's aerial battles are deserving of a special nod, but a lack of focus and a supporting character that is both doomed by tiring clichés and a development that is way too rushed make this a rather underwhelming affair.


Monday 24 October 2016

Review: "Deadpool" #20

Admittedly, it's sort of difficult to write a review of Deadpool #20 after that excellent epilogue by writer Gerry Duggan himself. As he already goes into detail about the positive impact even unstable anti-heroes such as the Merc with a Mouth can have on people in need, I feel everything relevant has been said about this already. But the comic does something else as well...

As a one-shot where Deadpool takes a suicidal girl on a eventful night out to ultimately make her changer her mind, it's the comic's stripped-down nature that makes it stand out in comparison to the rather over-blown Deadpool instalments of late. Being left without any gadgets and teams to fall back on to, Duggan very impressively captures the helplessness, fragility but ultimately also humanity of both Deadpool and the unnamed girl. For the comic medium as a whole it shows that less is sometimes more, where putting our heroes in more grounded situations can ultimately lead to such great achievements as this one.


Saturday 22 October 2016

Review: "Daredevil" #12

The cover of Daredevil #12 proclaims, quite luridly, that our blind hero is up "against the Inhumans" this time. There's undeniably some ironic boldness in that, even though we get a pretty decent (and entertaining) fight between Daredevil and an Inhuman. 

However, what writer Charles Soule tries to convey more than anything else is that this is not a struggle against something, but for something. In an unusually diplomatic approach, the Man Without Fear tries to build bridges rather than unnecessarily burn them in what is ultimately one of the more clever treatments of the relationship between Humans and Inhumans in a while. The hunt for the wonderfully haunting serial killer/artist named Muse serves here as the perfect platform to show where both sides may find common ground, but also where they ultimately still differ.  

And yes, I've mentioned it before, but I'll happily to it again. Ron Garney's art and Matt Milla's colors combine to what is probably the best looking comic of 2016.


Wednesday 19 October 2016

Review: "Han Solo" #4

Han Solo #4 confidently confirms the impressions of the first three issues: this is the best Star Wars series on sale at the moment. Why? Because writer Marjorie Liu does what may sound easy, but is actually hard to achieve: combine the traits of proven Star Wars characters and environments, but add new layers to it. 

Thus everything in Han Solo feels fresh, even though it gives readers a certain sense of familiarity which is certainly desired in any Star Wars publication. All that comes with a story that very effectively combines combat, racing and detective story elements, and art and colors by Mark Brooks, Sonia Oback and Matt Milla that manage to convince both on the small and large scale with its beautiful, realistic approach. All in all, Han Solo #4 makes for a thoroughly enjoyable experience. 


Sunday 16 October 2016

Review: "Superman" #8

"Escape from Dinosaur Island" is the title of this new Superman story line. At best, you might think, this could be full of vintage B-movie charm. At worst, it might be an embarrassing oddity. But writers Peter J Tomasi and Patrick Gleason actually manage to do neither, and instead craft a story that (so far) is also intelligent and insightful.

It's especially the warm and close relationship between Clark and Jon, impressively drawn by artists Doug Mahnke, Jaime Mendoza and Will Quintana , and the latter's careful curiousness that steer the story towards more serious topics. It's not what you'd expect, and it's all the better for it.


Friday 14 October 2016

Review: "Deadpool: "Back in Black" #1

Admittedly, the sheer influx of Deadpool titles recently didn't do the character much good. The "Mercs for Money" proved to be a welcome change in the beginning until, well, they weren't anymore and just bored everybody (don't have any high hopes in the new outfit either). And the Gambit crossover? We shall never talk about it again.

And now? An 80's inspired Deathpool/Venom story. So much to go right, but so much more to go wrong. But you know what, this isn't actually half bad. It's really good actually. Even some rather generic villains can't hide the fact that Deadpool and Venom make for a good combo and the comic is actually quite funny (especially the fake footnotes, more of that please in the next issues). 

The only problem: it doesn't really feel very 80's, and if it wasn't for the title or the intro, one might probably never even guess that it takes place then at all. So, Bunn and Espin: up that 80's vibe a bit in the next issue, and we could be in for a real treat.


Further Links:

Deadpool #19
Deadpool #18

Tuesday 11 October 2016

Review: "Tank Girl: Gold" #1

If you like lewd, vulgar and loud "adult content", Tank Girl #1 might be right up your street. But if you just like a good comic, then this one is definitely not for you, as it constantly makes the crucial mistake of confusing bad language and sexual content with actually being gritty, not offering anything beneath its shallow surface of stereotyped attitudes. 

All this is a shame, because Tank Girl #1 just looks absolutely amazing, with Brett Parson giving it an absolutely unique and stylish appearance throughout. Shame though it doesn't come with better writing.


PS: I've awarded an extra point for the rather good additional mini chapter at the end.

Review: "Deadpool" #19

Even if Deadpool wasn't exactly hitting its stride in the last couple of issues, these "Warda Wilson/Deadpool 2099" interludes will remind you why you actually like Deadpool. Because this one here simply doesn't have any of these things.

If, after 6 months after the last part, you don't have any clue where this actually left off, rest assured, the writers do neither. Warda Wilson and Ellie Preston were probably fighting and shouting overly-clichéd bon mots at each other, because that's pretty much all they're doing here. Geezer Deadpool is good for a couple of laughs, but becomes more and more unbearable as this drags along. 

Admittedly, some more heartfelt moments towards the comic's conclusion are smartly written and do work, but after all, these Warda Wilson interludes do nothing more than actually heighten the quality of the regular series adventures. And hey, isn't that a good thing.


Saturday 8 October 2016

Review: "Captain America: Steve Rogers" #5

If Captain America:Steve Rogers #5 is one thing, then it's brilliantly written and narrated. Writer Nick Spencer does a masterful job of developing the comic's various characters while slowly untangling Steve Rogers' alternate history caused by the Cosmic Cube Kobik and tying all plot threads in the "Civil War" II story.

The one big problem though is that none of that is particularly much fun. Captain America doesn't work as well as an (anti-)hero, leaving readers mostly disconnected from what's going on. All this is enhanced by the cold precision of Pina's and Rosenberg's art that is dominated by blue and gray. Masterful execution eats soul, sadly. 


Thursday 6 October 2016

Quickfire Combo-Reviews: "Superman" #7 / "Wonder Woman" #6 & #7

"Superman" #7: Another proof how well Superman can work on a small scale. A very down-to-earth story with a very down-to-earth Superman, who changes space and Doomsday for a country fair and petty thieves. A welcome change.


"Wonder Woman" #6: There'll never need to be another Wonder Woman origin story, because it can't really get any better than this. Scott's art wonderfully matches the grace and beauty of Rucka's story.


"Wonder Woman" #7: A rather confusing finale to what used to be a thrilling and captivating storyline so far. There was potential for a far better ending, but this feels like a rushed affair.


Tuesday 4 October 2016

Quickfire Combo-Reviews: "The Punisher" #5 / "Justice League" #5 / "Deadpool v Gambit" #5

"The Punisher" #5: This is one big slaughter-fest, and it absolutely convinces with its pacing, grit and dialogue. Even Dillon's execution of blood and gore is more spot-on than in earlier issues. The best one so far!?


"Justice League" #5: That's it? A story that never felt comfortable with itself and never could produce a convincing premise, story, or set of antagonists, ends as you'd imagine: uninspired and overhasty. It's all not doom and gloom though, as the members of the Justice League have generally been portrayed very well by Hitch and Daniel throughout.


"Deadpool v Gambit" #5: It's over. Finally. This last issue perfectly exemplified what was wrong with the series all along: story, characters and references that constantly think themselves more clever than they really are. Ugh!


Monday 3 October 2016

Quickfire Combo-Reviews: "The Fix" #5 / "Cyborg" #1 / "Batman" #7

"The Fix" #5: Aside from having two lead protagonists that are among the best in comics in 2016, the true strength of The Fix is writer Nick Spencer's ability to create supporting characters (the mayor of LA it is here) that are so wonderfully unique and over-the-top, you just can't stop laughing. 


"Cyborg" #1: A rather surprising issue that predominantly deals with Victor's "soul search" and the emotions it entails. Writer John Semper jr. proves here that he can well handle that emotional side of Cyborg, without ever being in danger of making it kitsch.


"Batman" #7: Coming from the heights of the "Gotham and Gotham Girl" story arc, this Halloween crossover looks like the first major bump in Batman's "Rebirth" run. It all seems half-baked, with a story that is neither very scary nor thrilling nor even entertaining. And who needs a ripped Hugo Strange?


Sunday 2 October 2016

Quickfire Combo-Reviews: "Doom Patrol" #1 / "Detective Comics" #940 / "Action Comics" #963

"Doom Patrol" #1: What's going on? What is this about? Meat? Gyros? But it doesn't matter, and trying to make sense of it is probably useless. Read it, it's simply brilliant. 


"Detective Comics" #940: The most dramatic and defining scene in the whole run yet here is, strangely, only alluded to. Furthermore, one cannot help but feel that Detective Comics already missed the point to conclude this story arc properly.


"Action Comics" #963: Finally the series tackles the "Two Clark Kent" issue. It's been lingering a while, you know. Luckily, it looks like they're doing it in quite a spectacular way. Good stuff.
