Friday 28 October 2016

Review: "Superman" #9

The "Escape from Dinosaur Island" story line began with a quite charming, albeit not flawless first chapter. The more surprising (or call it confusing) it is that Tomasi and Gleason have already concluded this story arc for now. 

Consequently, character developments and story elements feel overly rushed here, as Superman #9 tries to do too many things at once. It wants to be a Halloween-inspired Dinosaur/Monster rampage with detective story elements and a WWII aesthetic that also treats Clark's and Jon's father son relationship. Nothing here is a real failure, and Mahnke's aerial battles are deserving of a special nod, but a lack of focus and a supporting character that is both doomed by tiring clichés and a development that is way too rushed make this a rather underwhelming affair.


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