Monday 3 October 2016

Quickfire Combo-Reviews: "The Fix" #5 / "Cyborg" #1 / "Batman" #7

"The Fix" #5: Aside from having two lead protagonists that are among the best in comics in 2016, the true strength of The Fix is writer Nick Spencer's ability to create supporting characters (the mayor of LA it is here) that are so wonderfully unique and over-the-top, you just can't stop laughing. 


"Cyborg" #1: A rather surprising issue that predominantly deals with Victor's "soul search" and the emotions it entails. Writer John Semper jr. proves here that he can well handle that emotional side of Cyborg, without ever being in danger of making it kitsch.


"Batman" #7: Coming from the heights of the "Gotham and Gotham Girl" story arc, this Halloween crossover looks like the first major bump in Batman's "Rebirth" run. It all seems half-baked, with a story that is neither very scary nor thrilling nor even entertaining. And who needs a ripped Hugo Strange?


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