Sunday 2 October 2016

Quickfire Combo-Reviews: "Doom Patrol" #1 / "Detective Comics" #940 / "Action Comics" #963

"Doom Patrol" #1: What's going on? What is this about? Meat? Gyros? But it doesn't matter, and trying to make sense of it is probably useless. Read it, it's simply brilliant. 


"Detective Comics" #940: The most dramatic and defining scene in the whole run yet here is, strangely, only alluded to. Furthermore, one cannot help but feel that Detective Comics already missed the point to conclude this story arc properly.


"Action Comics" #963: Finally the series tackles the "Two Clark Kent" issue. It's been lingering a while, you know. Luckily, it looks like they're doing it in quite a spectacular way. Good stuff.


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