Tuesday 11 October 2016

Review: "Deadpool" #19

Even if Deadpool wasn't exactly hitting its stride in the last couple of issues, these "Warda Wilson/Deadpool 2099" interludes will remind you why you actually like Deadpool. Because this one here simply doesn't have any of these things.

If, after 6 months after the last part, you don't have any clue where this actually left off, rest assured, the writers do neither. Warda Wilson and Ellie Preston were probably fighting and shouting overly-clichéd bon mots at each other, because that's pretty much all they're doing here. Geezer Deadpool is good for a couple of laughs, but becomes more and more unbearable as this drags along. 

Admittedly, some more heartfelt moments towards the comic's conclusion are smartly written and do work, but after all, these Warda Wilson interludes do nothing more than actually heighten the quality of the regular series adventures. And hey, isn't that a good thing.


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