Sunday 1 May 2016

Comic of the Day 29/4: "Star Wars" #18

I could have just taken last month's Star Wars #17 review, changed some names, and you probably wouldn't even have noticed the difference. That's how far down the creative cul de sac the Star Wars comics have come. Of course, it's not as devastating as recent Darth Vader outings (what is!?), but it simply has no idea where it's going from a narrative standpoint, making it an overall sluggish affair.

Leia, Sana and Aphra are still hunting down some mysterious bad guy (who is kick-ass though, I have to admit) while Jason Aaron still tries to built a chemistry between the three (and with "building chemistry" I mean being constantly at each other's throats). These characters have more to offer than that, but no one's trying to actually explore it. 

The relationship between and story around Han and Luke is more fluent and natural on the other hand; what a shame though that the two merely serve as a deus ex machina for Leia's story. A shout-out though to Yu, Alanguilan and Gho for doing a really good job on the comic's art. The lighting and shadows are superb, and the close-up shot of the Millennium Falcon is simply awesome.

I really hope Marvel hands the Star Wars comic to a more invested writer in the future. That would go a long way.

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