Monday 2 May 2016

Comic of the Day 1/5: "Batman" #51

Batman #51 is as much the start into something new as it is "goodbye" from Scott Snyder, Greg Capullo, Danny Miki and FCO Plascencia after years as the creative force of DC's most important comic series. So it's not surprising that Batman #51 is only superficially narrated as a Gotham newspaper column asking its readers what Gotham means to them. Really, it's a farewell from Snyder to the fans and Batman himself ("It's the first line...of the last'll ever write").

But what elevates Batman #51 more than anything else is the fact that Snyder's just wants have fun with the series one last time. And as essential as the "Mr. Bloom" story line was, it's good to see Bruce Wayne being back as the Caped Crusader. And so the comic becomes an unusually life-affirming and positive celebration of everything Batman: the Batmobile is an absolute blast, his new costume is an instant classic and almost all of the classic villains appear. Snyder even drops an Adam West homage when Batman tells a former member of the Whisper Gang to "stay in school". And the last page panel is probably one of the finest pieces of art of the whole "New 52" Batman era.

Snyder, Capullo, Miki and Plascencia had a great run at Batman, and their last collective effort (for now) does all the right things without being too sentimental or ambitious. Thanks, guys.


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