Sunday 15 May 2016

Comic of the Day 15/5: "Deadpool" #11

When the Deadpool/Sabretooth dynamic started to wear off in #10 last month, the fear started to creep in that writer Gerry Duggan might just not manage to drag this story across the finish line. And even though he does, the ride turns out to be a lot harder and uglier than anyone could have wished for.

The more serious and thoughtful tone here neither suits the narration nor Gerry Duggan's or artist Matteo Lolli's strengths, diminishing the otherwise prevalent satire and and in-your-face humor that usually make Deadpool comics such an enjoyable affair. The fact that Duggan has hardly any idea of how to conclude this somewhat cohesively makes for a more than fragmented narrative experience. Only when Sabretooth exits does the comic find its groove back, with a convincing Doctor Strange appearance and a finale that will make you laugh out loud (finally).

"The End, Thank Odin."


Further links:

Deadpool/Masacre #1
Deadpool & The Mercs For Money #3
Deadpool #10

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