Tuesday 10 May 2016

Comic of the Day 10/5: "Detective Comics" #52

With the DC rebirth less than a month away and Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo ending their impressive run at Batman, we're all a bit tired of the James Gordon Bunny-Ear-Batbot by now. And judging by "Detective Comics" #52, the writers are as well. While the first part of "Our Gordon at War" had its moments, the wheels have completely come off on this one. Quite possible DC didn't want to waste any good stories before the Rebirth any more.

To put it bluntly, everything about this comic stinks. James Gordon is weirdly out of character throughout the story and writer Peter J. Tomasi and penciller Fernando Pasarin do the Commissioner a huge disservice when showing him in some of the comic's larger hand-to-hand battles. The Gordon of the Marines and that of the GCPD seem two completely different characters, denying any coherence with earlier titles. 

Clearly a central issue for Tomasi is to emphasize the loyalty and unity among Gordon and the Marines, but he does so by only using a succession of pathetic and clichéd phrases. Branded for some reason as a horror story ("Horrors from the Crypt!"), the only thing that really scares is the quality of Tomasi's writing. The action is lame and predictable; and Amun-Set and hic cult is the same cheap Mola Ram copy that we have seen in so many movies over the last 3 decades.

Detective Comics #52 is a disappointment on every level with a story that seems pure filler material so close to DC Universe's Rebirth.


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