Monday 9 May 2016

Comic of the Day 9/5: "The Punisher" #1

The Punisher, so it seems, is omnipresent right now. Jon Bernthal made him the outstanding character in Netflix' second season of Daredevil and an upcoming standalone series is in production. So it's no surprise that Marvel is going for a "Punisher" comic reboot right now.

And for fans of hard-boiled urban police thrillers with all the classic ingredients (drugs, weapons, brutes, dirty jokes, a sadistically creepy henchman, the mysterious boss), this may be right up their street. Unfortunately, though, Becky Cloonan's solid and highly entertaining story is somewhat diminished by Steve Dillon's largely disappointing art. Faces are unnaturally waxy and motionless, Frank Castle looks like a complete moron, action scenes feel sterile and static and the blood and gore elements have a worrying B movie splatter aesthetic.

There is not much hope Steve Dillon drastically changes his approach in ensuing issues, but as long as Becky Cloonan pens a story that cleverly ticks so many boxes, it should remain a worthwhile read.


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