Wednesday 18 May 2016

8 Things We Now Know About "Civil War II" (No Major Plot Spoilers)

With "Civil War II" #0 by Brian Michael Bendis, Olivier Coipel and Justin Ponsor out today, here's the 8 things we now know about Marvel's big 2016 comics event.

  1. The conflict that looms on the horizon is not going to be as essential as that in the original "Civil War", but should still make for an entertaining summer.
  2. She-Hulk looks and moves like she's in some weird shampoo commercial.
  3. There's a lot of exposition going on. You hardly need any previous knowledge to get right into it.
  4. Hill is so damn nice. A reason to trust her even less.
  5. Captain Marvel is a convincingly conflicted and complex character. A great choice for protagonist.
  6. Doc Samson is definitely up to something. 
  7. Olivier Coipel's "less is more" approach makes for some great art.
  8. Even Brian Michael Bendis can't write an even remotely fresh court scene any more.

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