Monday 5 September 2016

Quickfire Combo-Reviews: "Deadpool" #17 / "Action Comics" #962 / "Detective Comics" #939

"Deadpool" #17: To sell this as a "Civil War II" tie-in is simply ridiculous, as it has simply no connection whatsoever to Marvel's big summer event (a fact even admitted by Duggan in the comic's intro page). Apart from that? Nothing to report, just the same old Deadpool shtick. This series needs some fresh new ideas, and the Mercs for Money should stick to their own series.


"Action Comics" #962: The Doomsday storyline is over (for now), and the series closes it in solid but unspectacular fashion. Kudos to Jurgens though for gradually developing and shaping the comic's characters.


"Detective Comics" #939: Admittedly, the series started out quite slow, but by now has come full circle in terms of drama, dynamic and great action set pieces. Can't wait for the conclusion.


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