Saturday 3 September 2016

Quickfire Combo-Reviews: "Superman" #5 / "Wonder Woman" #1 / "Deathstroke" #1

"Superman" #5: The action is solid here, as the "Son of Superman" storyline slowly approaches its conclusion. But the real highlight here is the Kent family going crazy with Batman's gadgets in his moon cave. Pure fan service that is.


"Deathstroke" #1: Its narrative mode, where little chapters jump back and forth in time is a good choice of telling the comic's story, but Deathstroke himself, unfortunately, has lost some of the grit and mercilessness of the "Rebirth" issue. 


"Wonder Woman" #1:
 It's reliance on art over dialogue continues to be a thorough success for "Wonder Woman", perfectly fitting the protagonists sturdy quest for truth. One of DC's best "Rebirth" titles.


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