Saturday 24 September 2016

Quickfire Combo-Reviews: "Cyborg: Rebirth" #1 / "Deadpool & The Mercs For Money" #3 / "Superman" #6

"Cyborg: Rebirth" #1: It's exactly what you'd want from a "Rebirth" title, with its concise Cyborg origin story and a premise that is able to set this series apart from its predecessors. One to have an eye on in the upcoming weeks.


"Deadpool & The Mercs For Money" #3: Cullen Bunn and The Mercs For Money have, gladly, arrived at the same conclusion: Deadpool is better off without the Mercs, and vice versa. While there were some fun moments throughout the various series over the last year, undoubtedly the team-up has lost much of its chemistry and dynamic in recent outings. Go Deadpool, but go alone. 


"Superman" #6: First it's a large-scale fight (with, admittedly, some quite confusing art by Patrick Gleason), and then a pompous celebration of the return of Superman. It all feels a bit thin for one entire issue, as Gleason and Tomasi clearly seem to have run out of steam towards the end of the "Son of Superman" storyline.


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