Wednesday 10 August 2016

Quickfire Combo-Reviews: "Deadpool & The Mercs For Money" #1 / "Action Comics" #960 / "Captain America: Steve Rogers" #3

"Deadpool & The Mercs For Money" #1: The reboot nobody really needed (yet) actually delivers the best "Mercs" comic so far, especially benefitting from a clear narrative outline.


"Action Comics" #960: Its art is too kitschy, but writer Dan Jurgens somehow manages to still keep the large-scale Superman vs. Doomsday fight interesting, finding twists and turns wherever he can. Wonder Woman kicks some serious ass here as well.


"Captain America: Steve Rogers" #3: Lighter in tone than the two previous issues, and not necessarily better for it. Next up is a "Civil War II" tie-in. Hopefully, Nick Spencer returns to form then.


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