"Batman" #3: We finally get some backstory on Gotham and Gotham Girl, and surprisingly, it's quite compelling. Bellaire's color palette is simply amazing here again, bathing Gotham in an amazing red, yellow and brown. One of DC's quintessential "Rebirth" series.
"Green Arrow" #2: The implosion of Oliver Queen's world is superbly staged by Percy, even though it doesn't have the emotional depth he might have aimed (sorry!) for. The series continues to impress and entertain, and even introduces a compelling new villainous organisation with the "Ninth Circle".
"Green Arrow" #3: Juan Ferreyra takes over the art department from Otto Schmidt, and instantly changes the comic's dynamic with his clear-cut and sinewy approach. Finally, we also get some more information on the "Ninth Circle", rounding off a thoroughly appealing experience.
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