Saturday 18 June 2016

Review: "The Punisher" #2

The Punisher #2 picks up exactly where it left off, for better or for worse. Becky Cloonan still delivers an enthralling story full of grit and grind where the baddies are really bad and the heroes only slightly better. It's not black and white here, but rather black and dark gray. 

However, it seems for every single thing Becky Cloonan gets right on the narrative side, artist Steve Dillon gets one wrong. Characters look weirdly alien and waxy, not being able to add some extra depth to the comic's story. Similarly problematic is his depiction of action scenes and its inherent violence. Blood looks like it was just blotted onto the page and fights seem strangely clumsy and uncoordinated. If Dillon is intentionally going for a b-movie style in his art approach it is, however, by no means supported by the comic's narrative. 

Overall, it is still a highly recommendable comic, despite some major shortcomings in the art department, which keep it from achieving an even higher quality. 


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