Monday 20 June 2016

10 Things We Learned About "Civil War II" in #1

  1. It's absolute high-polish entertainment with first-class standards throughout.
  2. Tony Stark's moustache will haunt you in your dreams.
  3. The built-up to the comic's main conflict is well-told and superbly interwoven.
  4. Think of a Marvel character. They'll be in here. The cast is gigantic.
  5. Writer Bendis and artist Marquez know how to stage some strong emotions, especially with Stark and Danvers. 
  6. We don't really need any product placement.
  7. Marquez' large panels are simply breathtaking. 
  8. Luckily, Tony Stark's arrogance never becomes annoying.
  9. The action scenes are stunning and among the best in comics this year.
  10. Marquez' various art approaches manage to keep the comic fresh at all times. 

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