Friday 6 May 2016

Comic of the Day 6/5: "Hawkeye" #2

"Hawkeye" #1 was no fluke. Not that this was ever seriously a possibility, but Matt Fraction and David Aja prove with #2 that they are not just having a very good run with "Hawkeye", but are essentially creating one of the defining comics of the 2010's.

Its dialogues are sharp and funny and its art is stylish and sophisticated without ever being pretentious. The action is fast, thrilling, violent and able while building up a relentless flow. But "Hawkeye" #2 doesn't just stand out in what it does right, but also in what it does differently. From the title page disguised as a newspaper article to the design and pace of its panels, every page feels fresh and full of ideas. Clint's relationship to Kate is deep and complex, but never confusing, as Fraction is able to show Clint's deep and emphatic admiration for her, without crossing the line from sincerity to kitsch.

It's an absolute success. 


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