Friday 6 May 2016

Comic of the Day 5/5: "Thunderbolts" #104

With its "Civil War" story line coming to a close, "Thunderbolts" seems to finally have found its footing. It ties in smoothly into the main "Civil War" comic, providing readers with valuable background information of "Operation: Justice Like Lightning". But is it fair to credit writer Fabian Nicieza, or is the "Civil War" story line just too strong and full of potential? 

It's probably a mix between both, as he still does an impressive job in the dialogue and characterization department. Helmut Zemo is thoroughly well written, while Hank Pym and Reed Richards make for some exciting scenes as antagonists. Tom Grummett's art, however, still doesn't manage to convince. His insistence on big, crowded panels for fights remains confusing and highly antiquated, especially when he shows here that he has far more talent drawing tighter, more reduced scenes.

All in all a good issue that is far away now from the disaster that was the first two.


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