Thursday 31 March 2016

Comic of the Day 30/3: Detective Comics #26

Batman is once again after Dr. Kirk Langstrom (a.k.a. Man-Bat) in this one. Although I like the concept of having one complete story arc in one comic, it feels too rushed and incoherent at times. While we get a good picture of Kirk Langstrom and his dilemma, his wife comes too short in exploration and development, leaving behind a main villain with loads of possibilities that could have been. 

And although not without fault in this one, "Detective Comics" surely was on a great run here, with events building up to #27; the issue where everything started back in 1939.

Tuesday 29 March 2016

Comic of the Day 29/3: "Deadpool & the Mercs for Money" #2

If you want loads of Deadpool himself, this series might not be right one for you. But if you don't mind a bunch of over-caricatured sidekicks and villains going at each other, it offers plenty of fun. 

Knowing perfectly well it's only silly fun, it even takes itself less serious than your average Deadpool comic (yeah, that's possible). His sidekicks are diverse enough to stand-out on their own, and the villain knock-offs are just brilliant. Nothing essential, but perfect for a quick laugh.

Monday 28 March 2016

Comic of the Day 28/3: "Ms. Marvel Special" #1

A surprisingly clever story, that's not so much about the wider picture of "Civil War", but raises questions about authorship, agency and meta-narration. The fact that Danvers inadvertently subverts some of the core superhero-legislation principles by helping Gavin, provides a nice edge to what otherwise is a Ms. Marvel that seemed too smooth.

Sunday 27 March 2016

Comic of the Day 27/3: "Daredevil" #4

The art impressively mirrors the grit of the story and its characters, the skirmish between Tenfingers and Murdock is brilliant dialogue writing and Steve Rogers fits perfectly as Daredevil's aid. Not having read issues 1-3, it also features just about enough exposition to get straight into it. Absolutely recommendable.  

Comic of the Day 26/3: "Ms. Marvel" #10

More multiverse "I'm out of ideas"-stuff that keeps on repeating its themes and conflicts until we're finally reminded that this is actually a "Civil War" comic. The only positive: Danver's soliloquy at the end.