Friday 29 April 2016

Comic of the Day 27/4: "Star Wars: Obi-Wan & Anakin" #4

One of the issues with Obi-Wan & Anakin #3 was that it posed more questions than it actually answered. Consequently, one of Charles Soule's greatest achievements as a writer here is that he answers many of these questions without making the comic feel jam-packed with facts or information. Step by step he delivers small pieces of the bigger puzzle while maintaining a high level of suspense throughout. Marco Checchetto's art is impressively detailed and polished, even though some of the environment and creatures of Carnelion IV might feel alien to what audiences are accustomed to in the Star Wars universe. 

Obi-Wan & Anakin's second big story line is that of Anakin's training in the Jedi Temple and the gradual seduction by Palpatine. The dialogue is as excellent as always here, perfectly illustrating the nuanced cunning and plotting by the Chancellor. It's also intriguing to see the comic take a more critical stance on the recruitment of young Padawans in general. Anakin in particular is written with an exceptional depth and complexity that is missing from the main Darth Vader comic.

In just one issue, Charles Soule has managed to set the comic up for what will be its final instalment next month, filling in enough holes to focus entirely on the story's conclusion.

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